Arif P. Rachmat
(TAP Member)

Arif Rachmat oversees a private holding company with significant interests in various publicly listed companies including Adaro Energy, TAPG, DSNG, KMTR agriculture groups, ASSA ecosystem including Anteraja logistics and Autopedia omnichannel, DRMA autoparts manufacturing, ESSA LNG and ammonia, as well as privately-owned companies such as Daya automotive group.
Mr Rachmat holds leadership roles as the Vice Chairman of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KADIN) and Indonesia Business Association (APINDO) for Agriculture. He serves as the Chairman of B20 Task Force “Trade & Investment” 2022, Endeavor Indonesia and Global Agribusiness Alliance (GAA) in 2020. He is an active member of the Board of Trustees of Asia Business Council (ABC), Prasetiya Mulya University, Singapore Management University (SMU), The Nature Conservancy Indonesia (YKAN), the Partnership for Indonesia’s Sustainable Agriculture (PISAgro), Syariah Economic Society (MES) and Prestasi Junior Indonesia (PJI).
In philanthropy and stewardship, he serves as the Chairman of the GK Indonesia Foundation and a Board Member of Temasek Foundation International. He is a member of the Young Global Leaders of the World Economic Forum as well as the Young President Organization (YPO).
Mr. Rachmat graduated Cum laude with Master’s and B.S. degrees in Operations Research and Industrial Engineering from Cornell University in Ithaca, New York. Upon graduation, he worked for General Electric Company in the U.S. and globally in various leadership roles including Six Sigma and Corporate Audit Staff.